Eden Laboratories - Scenario and Design Documents


Eden Laboratories - Scenario and Design Documents


For years the Eden Corporation has been operating in the shadows and performing human tests. As its best and brightest researchers, you have been tasked with developing a race of genetically enhanced super soldiers. But you have grown disenchanted with Eden's goals. Under cover of night, you break into its laboratory to steal the prized human enhancement serum. Can you find it and break back out before the alarm is tripped and you become Eden's next test subjects?

Note: Escape Empire Designs is not responsible for any accidents or injuries which may occur to clients or their customers during the building or operation of its games. By purchasing this game, the client accepts full responsibility for their safety and the safety of their customers in all matters related to the construction and operation of the game. Escape Empire Designs accepts no responsibility for the financial status of any individual or business based upon its designs or consultation services. By purchasing this game, the client accepts full responsibility for the success, advancement, and status of their personal and business finances, earnings, and profits.

Game Size: ~250 sq. ft.

Number of Players: Ideal for 4-8

Difficulty: Advanced

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